PAUT Intro (Olympus OmniScan & OmniPC) - C140
This introductory instrument-specific course is designed for ultrasonic NDT technicians and technical persons seeking to better understand PAUT with specific PA instruments. The course covers the phased array physics principles as well as hardware and software instrument operation. Students will learn how to achieve quality performance inspection through scan plan development, instrument calibration, data acquisition, analysis and report generation, and will become capable of analyzing, solving and reporting clear comprehensive findings for many PAUT applications. Successful graduates will be awarded a certificate of course completion in Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (Instrument- Specific) providing evidence of their technical and practical skills for advanced NDT work, the ability to perform quality inspections, and to gain eligible NDT hours and skills towards the successful completion of a higher certification program as an ultimate career development goal.
- Ultrasonic phased array principles
- Phased array applications
- Ultrasonic digitization principles
- Benefits and limitations of phased array examination
- Probe design for phased array applications
- Focal laws
- Ultrasonic beam steering and focusing
- Linear and sectorial scans
- Scan plan and technique development
- Instrument features, calibration and operation
- Software and scanning configurations
- Data acquisition and introduction to analysis
- Reporting and flaw characterizing
- Minimum Level 2 certification in industrial ultrasonics
5 days (40 hours)
50% classroom, 40% hands-on, 10% testing
Course Equipment and Materials:
- PowerPoint presentations
- Lab exercises manual
- Self-assessment questions and hands-on math exercises
- Probes and wedges
- Computers/laptops
- System calibration/sensitivity blocks
- Eclipse Scientific test sample positioning platforms (ESScanLab)
- State-of-the-art technique development and simulation software (ESBeamTool)
- A large selection of flaw samples that include all the flaw types which can be detected during site inspection
- Olympus OmniScan data acquisition instruments
$2,150.00 USD per student
(Travel and logistics will be extra)