ESBeamTool Advanced Course - C300

This course is designed for NDT technicians and professionals who are required to perform data analysis or tasked with procedure and technique development for ASME code required weld inspections. The course promotes inspection visualization, while meeting the ASME code requirements for weld inspection scan plan essential variables. Participants are quickly armed with a full CAD drawing package system to develop scan plans configuration or techniques for conventional or array ultrasonic and TOFD inspection, conveying assurances of beam coverage. The provision of dozens of sample files will enable students to recognize the full potential of this software. The dedicated HASP key or pre-loaded computer will provide students with all they need to explore the software potential. Technique development and scan plan generation for setting up select instruments will be demonstrated. Analysis software with push capability will also be available to demonstrate the reporting functionality. Successful graduates will be awarded a certificate of course completion providing evidence of their technical and practical skills for advanced technique development using ESBeamTool.


  • Introduction to phased array and TOFD weld inspectionSoftware introduction and navigation
  • Inspection piece configuration
  • CAD tools and file import options
  • DXF and BMP file importing
  • Probe configuration and definition
  • Phased array options
  • Focusing and gating
  • Sectorial and linear scanning
  • Reference beam sets
  • TOFD configuration and definition
  • Dead zone visualization
  • Spatial resolution
  • Conventional configuration
  • Flaw data analysis
  • Annotation and report generation



2 days (16 hours)

50% classroom, 40% hands-on, 10% testing 

Course Equipment and Materials:


$1,000.00 USD per student
(Travel and logistics will be extra)