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Training Videos

01 BeamTool Workspace Example

This tutorial video series will guide users through the process of developing ultrasonic inspection techniques with BeamTool 11 and provides clear, step by step instructions on essential aspects of technique design including: test piece definition, probe/wedge wedge selection, probe offset/beam set optimization, etc.

In this video, a general overview of the BeamTool workspace is provided. The user will develop an overall understanding of the layout of BeamTool workspaces and learn how to add a test piece, define a weld profile, introduce various probe types and more.

02 Conventional UT Workspace Example

In this video, the user is guided through the process of designing a conventional shear wave ultrasonic scan technique.

03 PAUT Probe and Beamset Overview

In this video, the user is guided through the process of designing Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) techniques in BeamTool.

04 PAUT 1 Weld Inspection Scan Planner ISO

In this video, an example is provided which shows the design of a PAUT technique compliant with the ISO code.

05 PAUT 2 Axial Piece Inspection

In this video, an example of designing a scan plan for PAUT inspection of axial (seam welds) is provided.

06 FMC Beamset Overview PSF Introduction

In this video, the concept of the Point Spread Function (PSF) simulation is introduced and its use as a tool for optimizing FMC/TFM/PCI and PAUT inspection techniques is discussed.

07 FMC InspectionTechnique Design Using PSF Based Quality Maps

In this video, the use of focal quality maps derived from PSF simulations are defined and their usefulness in assessing the focusing capabilities of a given FMC/TFM technique is demonstrated.

08 FMC 1 Creep Inspection

In this video, the user is guided through an example where the focal quality maps of candidate techniques are compared as a means of selecting the appropriate probe and wedge for FMC based creep inspection of High Energy Piping

09 FMC 2 PCI Based HTHA Inspection Technique

In this video, a demonstration of the use of focal quality assessment in adapting a laboratory based contact inspection technique for incipient High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) to a field deployable scanning technique is provided.


In this video, the use of PSF simulation and focal quality maps for optimizing PAUT inspection techniques is demonstrated.

11 PSF Focused PAUT 1

In this video, PSF simulation is used to quantify the resolution differences between unfocused PAUT, half-path focused PAUT and FMC/TFM.


In this video, the effect of aperture size on focal quality is demonstrated on an axial weld via PSF simulation tools.

13 Custom Piece Immersion Conventional UT

In this video, an example is provided where a technical drawing of a test piece is imported, positioned, scaled as a means of defining a custom geometry to be inspected in an immersion configuration.

14 PSF Custom Pieces

In this video, an example showing the use of PSF simulation for PAUT technique design in custom pieces is provided.

15 ToFD Workspace

In this video, the user is guided through the process of designing Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD) techniques in BeamTool.

We're proud to introduce the 11th generation of BeamTool, the world’s most popular application for fast, easy, open technique development for NDT.

Eclipse's innovation is fueled by customer feedback as proven with our new features: Focal Quality and Point Spread Function Simulation, Technique Comparison, Intelligent Alerts About Inspection Quality Issues (Warnings), Dynamic Workspace Information, NDT Axes, Expanded Support for Simulation / Visualizations in Custom Pieces, and Automatic Highlighting/Fading of Active / Inactive Beams & Probes.

Easily generate an ASME compliant calibration block with the click of a button. Targets are added based on your piece thickness, while meeting the requirements of ASME Section 5, article 4, Figure 434.2.1. You can also design custom calibration blocks and generate reports that include all aspects of a calibration block to support machining. This allows the technician to spend more time on developing a technique.

This video illustrates the creation of a very simple phased array technique. The technique ensures complete coverage of the weld by using two phased array sectorial beamsets to inspect the top and bottom of the weld.

This video shows how to import a bitmap image and use it to trace a complex piece geometry.

This video demonstrates how to use the ESBeamTool ZONAL add-on. The ESBeamTool ZONAL Add-on provides the ability to define weld zones, which are used in conjunction with a Zonal Beamset to provide automated targeting of individual phased array beams into specific locations along the face of a weld bevel.

This video demonstrates how to edit report templates in ESBeamTool.

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