Phase Coherence Imaging & Custom Ultrasonic Imaging Techniques

Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI) Based Applications
- Early-Stage High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) Detection
- Early-Stage (Voiding) Creep Inspection Detection
- Thermal Shock Crack Detection
- Induction Hardness Depth Estimation & Material impurity testing (Quality Control)
- Accurate Crack Morphology Imaging and Sizing (Quality Control & On-line Monitoring)
Pioneering Industrial Applications of Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI)
- ADG instrumental in leveraging Phase Coherence Imaging approaches for challenging inspections
- Major advantages for detection of small, difficult to detect flaws/microstructural damage
- Developed statistical based dynamic range setting on images to avoid false calls
- ADG authored influential paper on using statistical interpretation of PCI data to make industrial inspection practical
PCI - High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
- Phase Coherence essential for imaging earlier stages of HTHA
- Proven on verified samples (from Lavender International)
- PCTFM with automatically set dynamic range keeps from false calling grain noise

Deployment: PCI for HTHA Inspection
- Industry first HTHA inspections with phase coherence performed in January 2022 by Acuren/Eclipse
- Phase coherence imaging identified significant material impurities as well as region of possible HTHA

PCI: Creep Inspection
- Phase Coherence found to improve sensitivity to aligned voids, drastically improves SNR and suppress artefacts
- Proven on verified creep samples provided by EPRI

Deployment: PCI for Creep Inspection – Integrated in Acuren’s HEP Program
- Industry first creep inspections with phase coherence performed in Spring 2022 by Acuren/Eclipse
- PCI found to facilitate detection of creep damage and distinguishing between creep voids, material microstructure and manufacturing flaws

PCI for Thermal Shock Crack Inspection
- Thermal shock cracks are difficult to detect: tight, variable orientation
- PCI found Sensitivity to some cracks verified by destructive testing
- Field inspection performed at client site, report submitted to TSSA in support of fitness for service assessment
- Components to be monitored with phase coherence going forward
PCI for Quality Control Applications: Induction Hardened Depth Estimation
- Developed improved method to measure hardened depth on raceways for SGRE
- Grain noise contrast on PCTFM image used to automatically compute HD
- Technique also found to be sensitive to flaws in hardened zone
- Currently developing prototype for Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy for in factory inspections (2024)

PCI for Quality Control Applications: Accurate Crack Sizing
- Long, shallow cracks in bulk plates, cannot be inspected after painting
- Eddy current array can detect but cannot depth size cracks
- Cracks tolerable up to specific depth (1.3mm), need way to measure accurately
- Cracks detected by ECA accurately depth sized via tip diffraction (not feasible with TFM)
- Depth sizing accuracy verified to be within 0.2 mm
- To be implemented by client for in-factory inspections starting in 2024

Multi-Mode Phase Coherence Imaging Algorithms
- Mutli-mode PCI method merges results from all viable modes into a single high-resolution image
- Cracks often easy to detect but hard to size, position, characterize (even with advanced methods)
- Multi-mode PCI is ideal for accurate sizing and imaging crack morphology and orientation
- Ideal for accurate monitoring of crack progression to avoid shutting down too early

Deployment: Multi-Mode PCI for Characterizing Critical Flaws in Nozzles
- Critical toe crack inspection performed for client
- Difficult to confirm if flaw is toe crack from standard FMC/TFM image, can only see corner and tip
- New multi-mode approach showed expected profile of toe cracks previously observed

Deployment: Multi-Mode PCI for Characterizing Critical Flaws in Nozzles
- Profile of toe crack observed with multi-mode approach, confirmed by destructive testing

For more information, email us at
or call (519) 372-1831 and ask for
one of our innovation experts